jQuery & Handsontable: Create an Excel Style Table Editor

Handsontable is a jQuery plugin that can create an editable Excel or Google Spreadsheet style table from data stored as a JavaScript array.
It features:

  • Auto expanding editable cells.
  • Legends.
  • Scrollable in a container.
  • Fill handle to drag content to new cells.
  • Autocomplete (when used with the bootstrap type ahead plugin).
  • Context menu to modify rows and columns
  • Callbacks to do things like validate and save data back to a database.
It also has a number of options and methods that are well documented on github.

Documentation: Available plugin methods and configuration options are listed in README.md on GitHub .
Download: You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.You can also clone the project with Git by running:
$ git clone git://github.com/warpech/jquery-handsontable

License: Licensed under the MIT license

Authors : Marcin Warpechowski / Giraffe

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